Congratulation! You have successfully installed Covenant on your latest version of Kodi 17.4 krypton.
How to install covenant on kodi fire stickħ. You need to click the Covenant option and click the “ Install” option to install Covenant on Kodi 17.4 Firestick using Ares Wizard. After this, you will get “ Covenant Add-ons” option for Kodi 17.4 on it. Install Covenant on Kodi 17.4 FirestickĦ. Once Ares Wizard load properly, then click on the “ Browse Addons” option and then select “ Video Addons“. Just click on the Ares-wizard option and wait for initialization. Now, you will get Ares Wizard add-ons option under Program add-ons. Go back to the home screen in Kodi 17.4 and click “ Add-ons option” in it. How to Install Covenant on Kodi 17.4 Firestickĥ.

Then click the “ Install from zip file” option in it. Look for the drop Box icon and select it.

Again, go back to the Home screen on your Kodi 17.4 media player and then click the “ Add-ons” option on it.